Woodstock Christmas Shoot 2019
We started off by welcoming our guests from the Swale Stroke Group for the evening, Stuart and Janet. Tom one of our younger members had done our Christmas targets which were just for fun, one being a Christmas tree, shooting targets and not presents and the lucky lottery, with 10 random numbers picked by Siri, with a point for each one hit.
Christmas jumpers were a must, you paid for wearing one and paid if you didn’t. (Bah Humbug).
We were raising money for the Stroke Group, as a member has had one and is now on the road to recovery, with the aid of friends and family.
Food and drink were laid on for everyone which was done by Michelle, who was cooking all day Thursday. It was a donation shoot to raise as much as we could for the Stroke Group, a cheque was made out for £200, but we done much better than that, we managed to extrude £300 out of everyone on the night, which shocked myself and the members one and all.
The shooting going on with a lot of food and drink flowing and plenty of chatting. Presents were put into a bag, and first top three scores pulled out of the bag, first there were chocolates, bottles of drink, biscuits, bottle openers.
With the shooting done, we had speeches made by Stuart and Janet from the Stroke Group saying a big thank you to everyone for their input by us all, and once again many thanks to all who helped, Tom Watson, Michelle Ballard, George Ballard for being Range officer and keeping everyone in check, and finally one massive thank you to all who attended and donated money to a very good cause.
Merry Christmas and see you all next year, first shoot back is the 2nd January 2020.
From Paul Ballard and all of the Committee members.

Christmas shoot 2019
2nd January 2020
Michelle and Paul Ballard
Woodstock RPC
Dear Michelle & Paul
I am writing to say thank you very much for the £300 that you have generously given to Swale Stroke Group. It was very kind of you to consider us and thank you for inviting us to your December shoot to meet the members and to receive the donation on behalf of the Group.
Swale Stroke Group has been running for 10 years. It started with 5 members and we currently have 50. During that time we have assisted approximately 250 people who have had a stroke or their family/friends who have helped them. We are a self-funding group and your donation will help us to continue to keep Swale Stroke Group (SSG) running.
We provide support for SSG members ‘ and their families who are visiting local hospitals, assisting with the parking costs. In the past we have bought a mobile telephone so that patients who are in hospital can communicate with their family. We have also bought a CD player that members can borrow whilst they are in hospital. We do our best to offer free transport to and from SSG meetings. We organise social events and local day trips so you can see you will be helping us very much, so thank you.
In 2016 the Stroke Association nominated Swale Stroke Group for a National award along with other individuals and organisation categories. There were 600 nominations overall. We are proud to say we were presented with “Best Stroke Group award”. If you want to see what we do, have a look a YouTube and search for “Swale Stroke Group”. The is a 4 minute video.
If you would like to visit us you are very welcome. Our Group meets every Thursday between 10.30 – 12.30 hrs ant the Hope Street Centre, Hope Street, Sheerness, ME12 1QH. Meetings for 2020 restart on the 9th January.
I would like to thank you once again for your donation and also for attending our Christmas Lunch on 13th December along with Doug and Charlotte. I can assure you that your donation will be put to good use and to the benefit of the Members. If there is anything our Group can do to help you at all, please do let us know.
Yours sincerely
Janet Avery